Scandals have acute effects on squads


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Posted on Mon, Mar. 06, 2006

Scandals have acute effects on squads

Recent arrests were only the latest incidents to hurt area ambulance corps. Proposed rules won't improve scrutiny of the nonprofits' finances.By Keith HerbertInquirer Staff WriterThe arrest of top leaders of the Plymouth Community Ambulance Association last week in the theft of more than $2 million from the nonprofit was not the first time alarms have gone off at area ambulance squads.

The vice president of a Willow Grove ambulance group admitted taking $1.9 million from his company, and an officer at a Warrington squad pleaded guilty last year to using company credit and debit cards for $21,000 of personal purchases.

Lawmakers in Harrisburg are considering legislation that would increase penalties for thefts from such groups - but no bills that would keep a closer eye on the finances of the ambulance companies. In fact, one House bill might allow smaller companies to avoid audits.

In the meantime, the scandals have had lasting effects on the squads.
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In the very beginning, you have the following which it looks like it is missing it's ending bracket.

Lovely place.... Plymoth.

The one officer of the association who is accused lives 15 minutes from me.