Santa Clara County Identification Tag


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Hey guys,

I'm really excited to start my new job running IFTs in Santa Clara County, unfortunately, it seems as if Santa Clara is one of those counties that requires you to have extra certifications and an extra ID tag to work there. I've looked at SCC's website and the only prereq that I'm having some trouble with is the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training. Is SEMS like a FEMA course where I can complete it online, or is there another way to do it?

Thanks a lot!
During your orientation/academy, they'll likely give you a packet that goes over SEMS, and at the back of the packet, there is a quiz. Pass the quiz (I kinda feel like nobody checks), and you're good to go, you are now SEMS certified.

In Santa Clara County, you must be SEMS certified prior to working your first shift.
Thank you very much!