DO NOT WORK HERE. Last I heard this company was being audited by the county for unsafe practices. I presume the interviewer you speak of is the company owner. An EMT at my company had worked there previously and the things he would tell me about are criminal.
Unpaid employee payroll checks (the guy I talked to was owed $2000+)
Downright horrible equipment.
He even told me a story of the owner once intercepting them on a transport, taking their patient, gurney and all, and putting them into the back of his personal van, and giving the EMTs another gurney so they could go run a call that was worth more money.
There is a reason that ER transport is always hiring. AGAIN do not work for these little companies. Some of them shouldn't be in business (like the one above) and some of them are just too small to be viable (my last partner's old company went out of business, she was owed $4000, but because they went bankrupt she got nothing)
Maybe next time when a supervisor tells you "you get to go code 3 a lot" (which is a red flag in itself) you should ask him about which contracts the company holds, contracts are a good way to judge legitimacy. Rural metro Has all Sharp contracts. Pacific has all UCSD, some Scripps, CMH, Donovan.
Be smart about it, I wouldn't want to go through the trouble of getting hired, only to find out the company I work for treats their employees horrible or is criminally negligent