Run, Hide, Fight

My middle school and highschool both had "lockdown drills" in case of someone unwanted enters the school and we lock the doors and moove away from the windows. Also, we would have fire drills and go over escape routes periodically and have them posted route 1,2 and 3 in ever class room.
Do you honestly think tons of employers are going to sit their employees down and have them watch a PSA? Employers who think it there is enough risk probably already have in house plans, like every hospital I've been in.

And when do you think they will be showing it in school? Health class? What age group is actually going to benefit from it? And again, if the school thinks there is enough of a risk, they probably have their own plan in place.

And as I said before, a 30 second TV commercial is useless. That is enough time to tell people the basic run, hide, fight, to which they will they will all say "no freaking duh".

So great, it is on the internet. So are about 100,000,000 cat videos. Being on the internet means some people will see it, but it doesn't ensure wide spread distribution. The people who see it have to actively seek it out, and many of those are going to be people who already have some idea of what an active shooter situation is and are probably not going to learn anything new.

In short, I am saying it was a waste of money for a PSA that will have a limited audience and advocates doing what the vast majority of people would do anyway.

I have no way of knowing what anyone would do with anything much less this particular video. Houston will probably promote it locally since they produced it.
I think it gives average people something to go on in that type of situation. Any type of education is better than none. Someone might have absolutely no idea what to do and may instead do something that would lead them or others to harm.