Rock Medicine


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Anybody else here volunter for Rock Med?

I've done my fair share of shows already this year. Cutting back now that I'm going back to school.
Anybody else here volunter for Rock Med?

I've done my fair share of shows already this year. Cutting back now that I'm going back to school.

I was just looking at their website and they work at some pretty damn cool events. What's the process to become a volunteer? I checked their page but there is no "become a volunteer" link. It also says that new volunteers need a completed 10 show sheet...

Help would be appreciated.

Attend orientation which is held once a year in Sacramento and Mountain View. Either one is fine. Keep a lookout on the website starting January of next year (2013) if you're interested.

If you're anything higher than a paramedic pm me since I think they'll waive the orientation requirement.

If you're a paramedic pm me and I'll ask if they'll waive orientation for you.
I had a pet rock once. Vet had to put it to sleep.