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I'm sure this has been asked, so excuse the repeat. I am an EMT/B, getting my RN soon.....what "credit" would that give me on the EMT/P and what additional training would I have to do? I was told that I could just take the written and then do the skills?

Thank you....
I was told that I could just take the written and then do the skills?

I'm hoping more than this, after it's all said and done I will end up doing more than 600 hours in the field as an intern on an ALS truck.

Not to come off rude but the field is much different than in hospital.
Do it the real way?

All I can suggest is contact your state EMS office and ask them.
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Take both courses, the 2nd one will be ridiculously easy
depends on the state, if you go to California you will be able to take national registry written and skills, then you will have to do your internship on an ambulance. if you do all that you will get your national registry P card and can go where ever NREMT is accepted (kinda like mastercard...) all in all you can go from RN to NREMT-P in about 2 months here.