Research Study about Patient Death in the Prehospital Emergency Medicine Setting


Forum Ride Along
Hi everyone,

I am a student researcher at Emory University performing a study about paramedics’ and EMTs’ response to death in the prehospital emergency medicine setting.

As a form of data collection, I am using a completely anonymous online survey, which is at the link below. You will be required to read a consent form at the beginning to continue the survey, but your responses will not be linked to you in any way.

The survey consists of 23 questions, some of which are free response. Depending on how much detail you choose to include, it could take anywhere from 15 - 25 minutes.

The results obtained from this survey will be included in a class research paper, with the end goal of being published in an academic journal.

Thank you for participating!
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Site Administrator
Community Leader
I have been working with Alison for the past couple of days and have reviewed and approved the survey to be posted here.

If you have any questions for her please post them here. Thank you.


The New Beach Medic
Wasn't really sure how much you knew about prehospital care so I put some info about my system when I was elaborating things. I tried making it clear that I do not do 911, but mostly non emergency interfacility transfers (IFT), but occasionally do emergency transfers. I also tried spelling the full word first with the acronym before using the acronym again. I also explained minimally what certain things are. This made me wonder if that was necessary. Do you have any experience or training in prehospital care or healthcare?


Forum Ride Along
Wasn't really sure how much you knew about prehospital care so I put some info about my system when I was elaborating things. I tried making it clear that I do not do 911, but mostly non emergency interfacility transfers (IFT), but occasionally do emergency transfers. I also tried spelling the full word first with the acronym before using the acronym again. I also explained minimally what certain things are. This made me wonder if that was necessary. Do you have any experience or training in prehospital care or healthcare?

That's a good question. I am a Georgia licensed AEMT, and I have two years experience with a quick response service through my university.