Rescue scare


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Hi Guys and Girls, my name is Vanessa. Had a question for you guys. While doing my last rescue needed for school, I came across a needle while cleaning the truck. Now this needle isnt one of those regular open needles, its a needle found in the prefilled one time use medications such as atropine and epinephrine which come with a stick gard, it didnt appear to be used, and while wiping the seats I simply flicked it. I didnt see any blood on any of my fingers, I took the gloves I was using filled them with water to see if there were any leaks on the fingers, was also told that those needles arent used on patients veins there used to inject meds into the IV drip, and I also played with a clean stick gard covered needle later and found it to be difficult to touch the needle even when trying to. Now I'm still freaking out, just wanted some opinions. Have any of you ever worried about this and should I worry? Have you guys seen the stick gard in person?

Heres a link to the pic of it (its the syringe second from the bottom)

Thanks alot.
Chances are you're fine, but a needle stick is a needle stick and still has the potential to lead to infection even if it never touched a patient... I'd follow your company's protocols on needlesticks and let your supervisor deem if it's a concern or not.
If your worried, file a report and talk to your infection officer (or whatever you call it). He will be able to either set you up with tests, or just tell you not to worry about it.

Good luck!
Thanks alot guys, I dont work for the county so I guess I'll take it up to one of my schools directors and see what they say. My gut tells me I didnt stick anything but my OCD head keeps coming in and interrupting the positive thoughts lol. I've been stuck before when I was working at a doctors office with a clean needle while filling syringes with lidocaine and it hurt and bleed like heck. So I'm hoping that if I was something similair would of occured.
Well, if you weren't bleeding and there was no puncture... there was no mode of entry. In which case your skin protected you from the pathogen. Also, the chances of that needle coming in contact with someone else's blood is not very likely as it does go directly into IV tubing. So, there is possibly no pathogen to get infected by.