I work for two EMS agencies in Iowa. The more "progressive" and larger of the two recently removed Lopressor from the truck altogether. On the one hand, I have read the studies and understand that Lopressor should be used with caution given that it can increase the occurence of cardiogenic shock in the acute MI patient. Studies recommend it be given in the hospital when the patient is more hemodynamically stable and ventricular function can be better assessed, which is why we are no longer carrying it.
Moreover, the service that has it never seems to use it. I recently had a patient with an anterior MI, c/o of abd. pain. I was able to manage his pain and hypertension with ASA, NTG, and Fentanyl per our protocols. Our CP protocol also includes Lopressor, but in my mind it is why down on the priority list. As you all well know, there is a lot going on with critical patients and by the time I had faxed the 12-lead, consulted with Medical Control and called a cardiac alert, established my IV, started ASA and nitro (SL by spray) and started given Fentanyl, we were at the hospital.
What do you think? Should we be prioritizing administration of Lopressor in STEMI patients? Or are there, for lack of a better term, more important things to do with these folks?
Moreover, the service that has it never seems to use it. I recently had a patient with an anterior MI, c/o of abd. pain. I was able to manage his pain and hypertension with ASA, NTG, and Fentanyl per our protocols. Our CP protocol also includes Lopressor, but in my mind it is why down on the priority list. As you all well know, there is a lot going on with critical patients and by the time I had faxed the 12-lead, consulted with Medical Control and called a cardiac alert, established my IV, started ASA and nitro (SL by spray) and started given Fentanyl, we were at the hospital.
What do you think? Should we be prioritizing administration of Lopressor in STEMI patients? Or are there, for lack of a better term, more important things to do with these folks?