Remind me never to get injured in New Jersey!

FFEMT1764 said:
They threatened you...hmm now it is an interstate felony- send a copy of it to your local FBI office and state police barracks...I am sure they will be interested in talking to the individuals invovled...

No thanx! I don't need anyone nosing around my computer..
you know they would take his entire computer and check it as part of the investigation- and believe me there are things on anyones computer that could get anyone arrested for anything. Sad but true.

eveyone here talks about nj ems...jersey city ems is doing ok that i know of.does any bodyelse know about them?
nyc.ems said:
eveyone here talks about nj ems...jersey city ems is doing ok that i know of.does any bodyelse know about them?

My father has been wanting to put his antique ambulances in service ever since the late 70's when our family shut down the funeral home's ambulance service. But laws in PA prevent this, maybe he could move to NJ where they do not regulate EMS? :P

He probably has some ambulances that would be legal too, I haven't seen the collection recently, b/c it's spread out.. But there are at least fifteen. Hearses, ambulances, combo's, vans, conversion vans, etc.
I see that the group leader has Laffy Taffy on his personal page - looks alot like someone I know but cant quite place him.

And how can such a group of people be so blind to the fact that they are making total asses of themselves to entire public.....

Some folks never learn....

nyc.ems said:
eveyone here talks about nj ems...jersey city ems is doing ok that i know of.does any bodyelse know about them?

The issue here is that this site seems to take joy in busting on volunteers.

Ok... Jersey City / Newark are sh#t-holes, and many providers get burned out.... but it is still no reason to be as hateful as they are. They seem convinced that the Devil Himself rides on every volunteer ambulance.

I've worked with Philly Firefighters who moonlight as transport EMT's... I know that vollie fire/EMS is a whole different ballgame then a City (a room and contents fire is a working building fire:unsure: ). When it comes to EMS, though... I still care about my patients...


And I'm going to bed or a call--- don't know which...

One of those nights!<_<

Sites such as theirs "could go" in a more productive way with out the use (& threats) of their "colorful" language.
What I dont understand about them is how the can justify that all volunteer services are bad...maybe they should tour the rest of the country and see how other state's have a wonderful volunteer system...with volunteers that are as competent if not moreso than the paid people. Obviously they havent done their research and are blabbermouthing something that they dont understand!