Questions for any New York City residents


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Hello all. This is my first post here. I am currently an EMT in Arkansas and have been for the past four years. I am looking to move to a large city and have been eyeing NYC for some time now. I am looking to go to work for FDNY EMs but would consider other hospital based services. Can anybody tell me which hospitals in NYC run ambulances? Does anybody know what the application process is like for the FDNY? I was told it was a 6-9 month process. I am looking into reciprocity but it seems FDNY wants a NY certification before I apply but the Department of Health wants me to have a job offer before they issue reciprocity. Any tips? How difficult is it to get hired by FDNY? Do they only hire the top 1% of applicants or are their standards a bit broader? Also, any tips on moving to and living in NYC? Well, enough questions for now. I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks.
In all honesty, the job market for 911 ambulances in NYC is pretty saturated. With the recent closings of St Vincents and St Johns hospitals, those EMT's and medics are just getting jobs back now with all of the hospitals which used to hire newbies. Most places for 911 wont even look at you unless you have at least 3 years experience working transport.

As far as FDNY goes, everyone is trying to get in there. Your best bet for FDNY is knowing someone in the Department.

If you are still interested in NYC EMS, come up here for a few days and check out the situation for yourself. PM me if you want someone to show you around the city.
FDNY EMS sucks. the pay sucks, the equipment sucks, posting sucks.

The training is awesome, the experience and resume part is awesome, and getting in is a pain in the ***.

Despite certain ignorant people's opinion and the lack of statutorial support, NJ's system is pretty busy and there are cities that are by far busier than NYC (at least in regard to calls per unit). Good places are hard to get into, an the system is understaffed and over worked, but it's there.

look around, lots of decent jobs, hard to find decent careers in EMS, esp at the BLS level.
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First of NYC is very expensive. My suggestion for moving is to have alot money.

You will need to have your NY Emt to apply. NYS wants you to have a job first. My suggestion is to find a volunteer program or retake the class in NY.
Thanks for the input, all. I wasn't aware of the closures of those hospitals, I'm sure that would make it much more difficult to get in. I have heard that FDNY EMS sucks from more than one source, I wasn't sure how widespread that idea was but it seems to be prevalent. I've checked out NJ, it's a possibility for me. You aren't kidding about finding a decent job. Most of the services in my area suck and the few good ones are extremely difficult to get into. I had noticed as well that FDNY wants me to have a certification before applying but NYS wants me to have a job before they grant me reciprocity. Terrific. It seems almost anywhere I go out of state it would be easier just to retake the class. Hmm. Food for thought. Again, thanks for the info.