I've gotten mixed reviews on this issue from EMTs I've spoken to. From instructors I was told that you always 'request additional resources' when necessary, such as help with lifting heavy patients. From an EMT I take a class with, that is frowned upon. He said it's not realistic to expect your company to use additional resources to help two EMTs lift the average 'heavy' person. I'm assuming heavy would be someone close to or over 200lbs...?
I just started as an EMT, so don't know squat at this point. I worry my upper body strength won't be sufficient (I'm a 5'4, l30 lbs chick). I passed the lift test for the company I'm with now, but it was hard! I started a weight training program a few months ago when I failed another company's lift test, but still struggled to lift 120 lbs, going upstairs with it and doing the other exercises they required.
Anyway, guess my question is if it's realistic that you'll be able to rely on additional help lifting patients that aren't morbidly obese?