Question on an Orientation Test.


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Hey everyone, New to this site as of today, looks great.

We have a local Ambulance company here in town that trains its own EMT's from basic to Paramedic. It is a paid training program where you are hired on then trained by the company to work for the company during and after certification.

I have an Orientation and written test thursday, The orientation is for EMT-B training. I am curious what kind of questions will be on the written test?
Seeing as this is for people with no experience to begin training as EMT-B, I can not imagine that there will be a lot of EMS related questions on the test such as numbers for vitals, Anatomy and the such.

I am thinking this will be more of test to get an idea of an applicants Reading, comprehension, Writing and basic math skills?

Would appreciate any input on subject matter as I would like to brush up a bit and would like to know where to put my focus, and get an idea what to expect.

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Contact the company and ask them, we can't speak for them.
First, welcome to EMTLife!

Without you telling us the company we really have no clue. That would be like me asking you what's gong to be on a History test I'm going to take. We need more details.

If I were you I'd give them a call and ask. It shows that you care and that you want to be successful.

Good luck!
I meant just in general, if anyone has taken a written test to get into an emt class. I did not mean specific questions.

For instance, When I was 21 I took a written test to get on with the California CHP, so I know basically what kind of stuff is on basic law enforcement tests for people interested in being recruits. It was a little math, and heavy on reading and writing skills and no questions related to Law enforcement.

No big deal, I will just brush up on a little of everything.
That only standardized test I'm aware of is the HOBET (Health Occupations Basic Entrance Test), which is usually only required for community colleges.

There is a test about the Hobet Test here.
I hope that helps!