"Q" Hairstyles in EMS


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Hi, EMTLife I justed wanted to know of the diff.. hairstles that are ok for EMS. I undersatnd race has nothin to do with it but Im an african-american male, and understand that dreeds can be unprofessional, but on the other hand I have seen some guys with really well kept dreeds. What about braids?? Black or White do any of you males have long hair or do any of you wear the new mohawk like the soccer players?? I just wanted to know ppls opinions and facts. Thanx I know there are some works who play in Bands what do you do?
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What about braids??

There is a guy in my department that has long hair, and he either braids it or puts it back into a pony tail.
Hair we go again.:P

See Tattoos and piercings and replace with hair and you will get the answers you seek.
There is a guy in my department that has long hair, and he either braids it or puts it back into a pony tail.

Ok, nice thanx for a helpful post. ^^ You too. But one can also wear a company EMS hat?? I understand we help patients, and its all based off of the first impression, but how much does hair play into it?? I am what most ppl call a Pretty Boy, on the other hand I guess to an older closed minded person I may be seen as a thug.
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ok, nice thanx for a helpful post.

check with the agency you going to or are working with, sometimes they have guidelines that you must follow.
What is a Q hairstyle?
Q = Question ^^ and thanks will do.

Thanks for what? You did nothing for Sashisa.

And just because one person sites one incidence of long hair on a guy does not a professional practice make it. I still suggest you do as I said above. All the negatives listed apply hair.
Thanks for what? You did nothing for Sashisa.

And just because one person sites one incidence of long hair on a guy does not a professional practice make it. I still suggest you do as I said above. All the negatives listed apply hair.

I think he was referring to EMT11K and it should read "Thanks, (I) will do (that)"
Haha this forum is Hilarious now I remember why I dont come here anymore. Thanks for the English lesson, I have called afew local agencies and found my answer. Thanks so much EMTLife.
Haha this forum is Hilarious now I remember why I dont come here anymore. Thanks for the English lesson, I have called afew local agencies and found my answer. Thanks so much EMTLife.

No one was giving you an english lesson. Chill out.
Haha this forum is Hilarious now I remember why I dont come here anymore. Thanks for the English lesson, I have called afew local agencies and found my answer. Thanks so much EMTLife.

I love you man
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