PVP Iodine Ointment


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How exactly would you use it and what exactly is it's purpose? Is it just like an antibacterial ointment? Anything would help! Thank you!
Povidone-iodine ointment is used as a general antiseptic in the treatment of skin infections, wounds, cuts, abrasions, burns, if not extensive, bedsores, mouth ulcers and post-operative wounds.

MOA is that is slowly liberates inorganic iodine in contact with the skin and mucous membranes. Iodine is microbicidal against most bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and yeasts.

As you stated it is an ointment, the Route Of Administration would be topical
Also, one should always ask- as with any medication- if the patient has a known sensitivity or allergy to iodine-based products. A lot of people are actually quite prone to skin reactions to iodine or povidone products such as the ointment you're talking about and Betadine. I happen to be one of them, hence why I mentioned it.
PVP had been used with IV starts in the past but the CDC no longer promotes it. However, it may still be necessary if accessing central venous devices. The swabs are also now preferred over the ointment, provided there are no allergies to the medication.
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Regarding Betadine and IV starts:
When the PD has blood drawn for their "chemical tests to determine blood alcohol level" their kit has iodine wipes in it... they are concerned that using topical rubbing alcohol to cleanse the site could alter the test (or the defense could raise the specter of it altering the test).

And Betadine or similar is the cleansing agent in the foley catheter kits.
I was asking because on galls.com, they have a pre-filled jump kit that says "10 PVP Iodine". I'm guessing that means they're wipes.