Pt signatures


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We are moving towards a paperless system and have secured Toughbooks for use in the field. While regular PCR input is handled by a dedicated application, we have identified an area that may cause problems: multiple sign-offs.

For example, in a minor MVC with multiple passengers who are refusing care, our PCR application will not be ideal because it will take too long to process each pt and have them sign the refusal. We would like to create an electronic version of our refusal of care form that can be signed on the notebook using a stylus and then saved.

I've had a look at using PDFs and MS OneNote for this but cannot find anything I like. I'm sure this has come up before in the world of EMS. Does anyone have a good solution? The notebook will not be connected to the Internet when these forms will be used.

Thanks in advance.
Please don't quote me on this, but a local service uses the ePCR's and their software allows them to do multiple patients refused care quickly with a specific form for 'multiple pt refusals' or something. I asked and only got an answer in passing about it.
Thank you for the quick response. As our ePCR software is selected for us by the state we must look elsewhere for the "multiple sign-offs" solution.
We keep paper refusals. Then enter the information and use the identifier for their signature card. But still only one person per refusal.
I think paper refusals are absoultely fine. We'd scan them and attach the electronic version to our ePCR.

However, I've been asked to investigate a completely paperless solution...
On our tablets we can start multiple reports. Takes time on scene as you get patient ones info and signature, hit save finish later, open new report patient two get info signature, hit save finish later, open new report............ takes much longer than getting signatures and info on paper when doing multiple patients.
Yes, we could do something similar. As we cannot have multiple refusals open simultaneously, I'm looking for something else: the electronic equivalent of a stack of refusal forms.
we use ambpro and for all our reports and when we get refusals we still use a paper copy and then when we get back just type up the report and attach it to the signed refusal... works for us
Yeah, I know what I'm looking for might not be the best way of handling the problem. I'm looking for a particular type of solution, even if it's sub-optimal.
I don't know alot about it but why not type up a form in word or something and save it. On that form have a spot to enter the patient info that you need then when a patient signs it save it under the patients name or run number however you categorize your calls. Not sure how that would work.

We use Zoll rescuenet tablet PCR which allows multiple open reports at a time so all you do is open one using a run number (multiple patients on one call each get their own run number) enter their information and have them sign the refusal form then open another and do the same. I still use paper if there's several because I can give each patient one at the same time and have them enter their information but the rescuenet is a pretty slick program and fully customizable to fulfill any requirements of state reporting.