pov emergency light placement

Box wine has to be a chardonnay or perhaps a pink wine, white zin?

Pink wine? Really? I'm going to have to look next time I go to Fred Meyer. I'm curious now.
What kind of wine would that be? Gewertzaminer? Or maybe a Pinot Grigio? Or perhaps a Riesling?

Mmmmmm, Gewertzminer.

/me backs away from the bottle, no drinking on duty.
I knew a kid that somehow got lights for his POV once...told him to ditch them because he was going to get himself in an accident. He informed me that he didn't feel adrenaline when the pager went off anymore because he'd "seen things that would make grown men cry." This guy was on a local fire service and had been on a total of three calls. He now has his license suspended.


He apparently thought his little red light gave him the right to go 72 in a 35. And he also thought he could use it just to...move people when he wanted.

I agree with Ken Threet on a lot of ideas regarding lights and sirens and such.
i agree very much that people abuse them. I think that they can very often pose more of a threat to people than they can help. There are many who speed, run through lights, and drive recklessly and its unacceptable. I think until there is a better way to handle this problem, it is up to the user to really assess they're own use of any emergency lighting. I am careful to use my light responsibly. I can say there were codes or other serious calls where it has saved me time getting to the building. I can also honestly say that I use it very sparingly however. I agree that emergency lights are dangerous when abused (and a lot of people do abuse them), but I know that it has allowed me to get a slow-poke or a driver with their head in the clouds to pull over for me when someone's life depended on my response. I have two brothers who are going to start responding via personal vehicles, and I try to set a good example because I know that there are a lot of whackers that set bad ones. Just my thoughts.
i agree very much that people abuse them. I think that they can very often pose more of a threat to people than they can help. There are many who speed, run through lights, and drive recklessly and its unacceptable. I think until there is a better way to handle this problem, it is up to the user to really assess they're own use of any emergency lighting. I am careful to use my light responsibly. I can say there were codes or other serious calls where it has saved me time getting to the building. I can also honestly say that I use it very sparingly however. I agree that emergency lights are dangerous when abused (and a lot of people do abuse them), but I know that it has allowed me to get a slow-poke or a driver with their head in the clouds to pull over for me when someone's life depended on my response. I have two brothers who are going to start responding via personal vehicles, and I try to set a good example because I know that there are a lot of whackers that set bad ones. Just my thoughts.

I think those are good thoughts. I know a couple on a volunteer service that are very professional and have used their lights well. Their neighbors know them and will be courteous to the light. Furthermore, they sometimes are first on scene to some things and the light can help prevent people from getting smashed.

Ultimately, a lot of stuff in EMS is case by case. Unfortunately, a lot of "Sparkies" like too get hyped up over a light, which can be bad. Good examples are the way to go. I do not ever see myself needing, wanting, or using a light. I have a sticker on my car and that's about it. The sticker has helped once when I came upon a wreck.

Anyway, I think you made a mature post, so I really don't have any problems. :) I just see lights abused a lot, and it bothers me. But so do snotty people, canker sores, and a generalized lack of steak for dinner tonight.