Had a call the other day that came over the radio as possible stroke pt. Of course we went code 3, once on scene fire was already there. Went into the house and had a 89 year old woman that had an altered loc and mumbled speech for about an hour.. vitals were normal.. pt had a history of htn and diabetes.. nothing appeared to be wrong other than the cc.. my medic had me put her on a nc at 5lpm and we loaded her for transport and went to the hospital code one monitoring vitals every 5... my question is I was kinda confused on why my medic didn't perform any stroke test on the pt. Not even the basics such giving a smile or having her close her eyes and hold her arms out to see if one drops w/o the pt realizing it.. didn't even check pupils... after transport I asked why and he stated she's a 89 yr old woman she is gonna have amnesia every now and then.. which I understand but shouldn't at the least some basic test be ran on a possible stroke pt regardless?? Let me know