Poll- Free Webinar from Flight Safety Network - Closed

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EMTLife.com is excited to announce that we're offering a FREE webinar to our members.

The webinar will be hosted by the Flight Safety Network, "the people who keep air medical teams safe". They are the only air medical training company to include the entire air and ground teams. Today, we'd like to get your feedback on what topic would interest you the most.

Please click here to voice your opinion on what topic you would like to learn about.

Since polls/surveys don't work with Tapatalk, which most of our members use to access the forum, I have recreated the poll using Google Forms. Everyone will be able to access this poll and it looks great on a phone and tablet.

If you've already submitted a vote, please click on the link above to vote again.

We'll leave the poll open for the till Saturday, July 26. After the poll is closed we will work with Troy Shaffer (username: FlightSafetyNet) to arrange the date and time. The webinar will be limited to 100 people and we'll post a sign up form so that you may reserve your spot.

We're very excited about our new partnership with Troy and the Flight Safety Network!

If there are any other topics or subjects that you would like to see offered, or if you have any questions, please feel free to reply below.
How far ahead will the time be posted? I would like to join it, but chances are that I work. If I reserve and can't make it, can someone else take my spot?
Probably at least a week or two. We want to give people a chance to sign up.

Yes, if you can't make it someone can take your spot.
We have just a couple more days left in our poll. Let us know which topic you would like to see offered.

Please click here to let us know.
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