Platform Update - Details


Site Administrator
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Hey everyone! As we wrap up our tenth year (wow!) we did a small platform update that brings better security, better performance, and some new features. Let me share some of those features now.

Online Status Indicator
As you've browsed around the forum you may have noticed a small green icon in the upper left corner of someone's avatar. This will let you know that user is online or has been online within the last fifteen minutes.

Of course, you can always turn off this option. To do so click the following link ( and untick the box on top for "Show your online status".

A very popular feature from our last platform that we're now able to bring back to you is Multiquote, allowing you to quote multiple posts in your reply. This feature is great when there have been multiple responses since you last visited a thread and you want to quote all of them in one reply.

Look for the + Quote button/link in the bottom right corner of the post.

You can quote as many posts as you want, but we recommend that you only do a few at a time as it can be confusing and make your post very long if you do too many. Each time you click this you will see a message stating "Message add to multi-quote." When you're ready to write your response, click the Insert Quotes button below the reply box at the bottom of the page.

Now here's a really cool new feature! You can now rearrange the quoted messages in a new popup box. Just click on one of the quoted messages and move it up or down to put them in the order you want.

Selective Quoting
This has to be one of the handiest features that I've seen added to forums since I began messing with them over ten years ago. You can now highlight a particular part of a post and an option will pop up allowing you to add it to Multiquote or simple quote and reply to it.

I think this will be very popular as I know I've only wanted to quote a particular part of a post and had to edit the quoted post before replying. This will save time and cut down on clutter.

Wrap Up
Additional behind-the-scenes features were added that will help us better control the site, make it more secure and increase the end user experience.

If you have any questions please feel free to post them below.