Person Down

LOL, cocky little punks aren't they when they are as big or almost as big as you.<_<
2 mg of narcan IV. sign release and on to next call

Are you stupid? What part of this scenario gave you enough information to rule out the more likely causes and treat for a drug overdose? I seriously hope you are not able to function on an ambulance.
What exactly is a black out disorder? and how could this disorder cause irregular pulse? or breathing? Just a question, I am an EMT-B so I know that there is alot that I don't know, lol, just never heard of this before, so I thought I'd ask.
Blackout disorder is commonly referred to as syncope disorder. Basically the person can go black suddenly and more than once a day it usually happens up to 15 time a day unexpectedly. Most usually don't pass out but are temporarily blinded, it is a neurological disorder. The heart arrhythmias and the episodes are completely unrelated as far as I know.
Are you stupid? What part of this scenario gave you enough information to rule out the more likely causes and treat for a drug overdose? I seriously hope you are not able to function on an ambulance.
Naloxone or Narcan is a drug used to counter the effects of opioid overdose, for example heroin or morphine overdoses. Naloxone is specifically used to counteract life-threatening depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system. So it can be used outside of an overdose.
Are you stupid? What part of this scenario gave you enough information to rule out the more likely causes and treat for a drug overdose? I seriously hope you are not able to function on an ambulance.

Chill out there DB. That poster was obviously joking and it went right over your head. I got a good laugh out of it.:rolleyes:
Naloxone or Narcan is a drug used to counter the effects of opioid overdose, for example heroin or morphine overdoses. Naloxone is specifically used to counteract life-threatening depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system. So it can be used outside of an overdose.
Huh? Can you read that back to me? You said it is used to counter effects of opioid overdoses... but then said it can be used outside of overdoses... yet you don't make any case for saying this. I know you are trying to catch up to my post count... but this is a little bit much ;)

As for the first narcan comment... Firemedic beat me to it - The case was already made that that was not likely the most correct treatment, especially without a detailed assessment. I assume that the poster was attempting to use sarcasm.... but since they haven't replied, we don't know for sure. Let's move on to the APPROPRIATE TREATMENT OF THE PATIENT.
Well seeing as we know it's a blackout disorder I'll just say what I Would of done prior to ALS arriving, or knowing what was going on.
Get partner to take C-Spine and then roll her onto her back and then hand off to bystander on phone with 9-11. Advise dispatch that we are 10-8 (on scene) and need ALS code 3 (ya know, lights and sirens) for a unconscious unknown emergency. Hopefully my parner showed the bystander how to apply a proper Jaw Thrust. If not I would, then ensure airway is open, and observe for any possible foreign objects (candy, etc) or swelling (anaphylaxis) or liquids in the mouth. Then I would size up and insert an oral airway. After A is secure then I would do a breathing check - rate, quality, equal expansion, etc and determine if assisted ventilations were necessary. Check radial pulse and skin. Apply 02 at 10 LPM via non rebreather and go onto my Rapid Body Assessment to determine any possible traumatic injury and medical alert bracelet. After doing my RBA or RBS(rapid body survey) I would apply hard collar to patient, as we cannot rule out C-Spine. Treat any further life threatening problems, and hopefully if none go onto my secondary survey while awating for ALS car to arrive.

Did I miss anything? If I did let me know!
Huh? Can you read that back to me? You said it is used to counter effects of opioid overdoses... but then said it can be used outside of overdoses... yet you don't make any case for saying this. I know you are trying to catch up to my post count... but this is a little bit much ;)

As for the first narcan comment... Firemedic beat me to it - The case was already made that that was not likely the most correct treatment, especially without a detailed assessment. I assume that the poster was attempting to use sarcasm.... but since they haven't replied, we don't know for sure. Let's move on to the APPROPRIATE TREATMENT OF THE PATIENT.
Let me specify its other use; it can reverse the psychotomimetic (delusions, hualicinations and psycosis) and dysphoric effects of agonist-antagonists like pentazocine (which is in the opium class) basically what i am trying to say is that Narcan isn't just for overdoses that it can be used to help comeone settle down who i experiencing the forementioned effect fo opiod use.;)