Password Security Issues


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
You may have recently received an email message stating:

Someone has tried to log into your account on - The #1 Online Forum for EMS-Related Discussion with an incorrect password at least 5 times. (etc.)

As far as I can tell, hundreds of discussion forums powered by the vBulletin software are facing similar problems. The visitor did not gain access to member information!

I assure you:
1. The offending IP address has been blocked at the server's root/basic level.
2. We are using the latest version of vBulletin.
3. We don't like hackers. In fact we faced a similar problem exactly four years ago, which resulted in us banning much of Asia, specifically Vietnam, from EMTLife. For now our Hong Kong members (?) won't be able to access the site. We hope to remedy this is the near future, after a few hours of sleep

As a general reminder, please make sure that your password is:
1. Difficult to guess
2. A combination of letters and numbers
3. At least six characters long
4. Not the same password you use for everything else
