Paramedic school


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Emt-b certified here looking at paramedic school! Moving to Texas in January and there in Houston, TX where i'm going they have emt-I to be certified in. Would you guys who are already paramedics recommend doing the I class then paramedic school or going into paramedic school since I could have already done that here in KS.
If you want to be a paramedic, got to paramedic school. Don't beat around the bush doing your I85/AEMT.
If you want to work as an I then go to I school. But if you are just going straight to medic, then why pay the extra money.

I don't know how things work down there, but here after the first 2 months of paramedic class, we are eligible to test at the intermediate level.

But that's a waste since they aren't recognized Round here.
I live in New York and took Critical Care first which is the N.Y. version of I-99, and remembered I liked EMS more than my current job so I then went to Paramedic school. My fire dept. picked up the CC school so I didn't waste money but if I did go directly to Medic I would have saved some time and stress. On the other hand I had good but not complete base of knowledge for medic school i.e. starting an IV, basic ekg interpretation, etc..
I would just do a medic course. Lone star and San jaq both have very good programs. Houston community college is also a good program. There are also some for profit schools but until they get onboard with acredidation thing I'd stick with a college program.