Paramedic School Question

What do you think?

The initial training is technically to the same standards, although there's a lot of leeway in that. Regarding the short transport times, it just means laziness. PMs get lazy because the hospital is right around the corner.

It's good that the hospital is right around the corner, but from the time you see the patient to getting them to the truck and to the hospital, I bet you are looking at 15 minutes or so in most circumstances (even in the closest urban areas). During that 15 minutes, what are you doing or allowed to do for the patient? I don't want a lazy medic who's not actively educating them self (or an intelligent medic with a very limited scope of practice) to take care of me or my family, no matter how short the transport.
Depending on where you are in Kiwi the transport times are either quick, two minute nip down the road deal, or an hour away and everything inbetween.

Our mantra is not so much "long transport necessitates long list of scope" but rather that our patients deserve somebody who can provide significant interventions to improve M&M and patient comfort.

As an example, we have seven different analgesics whereas most of the US has ..... morphine.

Your patient deserves somebody who can look at them, asses them, make informed treatment decisions and not just scrape by and follow a cookbook bulleted list. Please don't be one of those guys, get a proper education.
Interesting stuff. I'm thinking about the school i mentioned in particular because paramedics i spoke to recommend this school over schoo
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Interesting stuff. what ems systems are like in other countries and what not. I'm thinking about the school i mentioned in particular because paramedics i spoke to recommend this school in victorville over schools in la county like PTI. Daniel Free man has a good reputation, but it is very expensive. I guess thats why i have speaking to alot of different paramedics regarding paramedic school, and other proper steps i should take in order to make sure that i'm not a paramedic who can just scrape by, but one who is great at it. People around me say that alot of people who become paramedics are former emt-firefighters who are placed in medic schools because the department needs more heads. I'm choosing to be a paramedic cause i have a love for attending, for treating patients, and making them feel good. Period. I'm in the process of getting my head back in the game. Interesting discussion.However, lets not turn this into some sort of pissing contest :usa: