There is.
Go to the NREMT website.
Check out the Paramedic Recertification Guide.
See page 15. There's a matrix. That should tell you everything you need to know.
The "Individual" component can pretty much be any medical related CE. "Local" is often your locally taught stuff. For example, our Local EMS Authority that credentials us has 3 or 4 modules a year for CEs. Those are perfect for that category.
The "national" component can easily be filled up with the NAEMT or AHA card classes. Thing is, the matrix is actually *really* flexible and that in itself can be confusing. I can use my ACLS to cover some hours in Cardiovascular but also use my BLS renewal hours too. Good example is that BLS will cover the hours for Ventilation & Oxygenation, but not Capnography. So you use 1 hour from ACLS to cover Capnography and you're all set.
The leftover hours can be applied to other categories.