I am a fairly new Paramedic with about 8 months of road experience as full time,and a year as a part time EMT-Basic before that. I work for a service where I do two 24 hour shifts a week,and one 48 a month. I just completed my 48 for the month yesterday and by the end of the shift I was so completely mentally drained,that I was seriously thinking about a career change. With only 4-5 hours sleep total between the 2 days that I worked,I can honestly say I was feeling the effects of burnout. Now,after some much needed rest I feel much better and no longer think EMS is the worst job on the face of the planet. My concern is that I shouldn't be feeling this way after only working the road for 8 months. I know it's normal for everyone to get burnout at one time or another in their career,but I didn't think it was going to happen to me this soon. Of course this bothers me because I put so much time and effort into my EMS education . I was just wondering if anyone else out their maybe or has experienced this at such an early stage,and if so how did you deal with it?