Pain Medication vs Employment


Forum Asst. Chief
Pain is one of the arguably few things we as pre-hospital professionals can have a major influence on. I don't understand why others overseas EMS organisations have such strict controls over analgesia. Is it because they don't trust their EMTs/ Medics enough to use them responsibly? Is it that they fear litigation?

Pain is pain is pain. It is extremely subjective and comes in many forms. Alleviating suffering early is always a good idea. That being said not everyone requires IV narcs for pain relief. Position, splinting, ice / hot packs and reassurance can always go a long way/.

We carry paracetamol, inhaled methoxyflurane, morphine (IV / IM), fentanyl (IN / IM/ IV) with the options of requesting backup to give IV midazolam and ketamine.

Our dosage regimes are liberal and we are free to give it whenever we like as long as it is justifiable.

Pain scale, vital signs, pt's visible comfort, the way the are talking, guarding and the suspected condition or illness can all play a part in giving the right analgesia.