Our 111 (911) site!


Lady Enjoynz
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I found this site of our 111 service and thought I'd copy the link, more so for the newbies to read and listen to.
I'm sure you seasoned Medics will not be interested or find something to pick at!


It does have some 111 (911) calls recorded.
The Ambulance calls are for:
Dispatcher talking a lady through CPR on her husband.
Another one is a 5 year old choking.

Not sure how far different our Emergency dispatch is from yours, but thought I'd post it anyway.

Cheers Enjoynz
always love this sort of thing
Sounds like the EMDPRS system used by a lot of areas here in the US. Been around since about 1979 it has proven to be a very useful tool not only in helping to save lives but also to help prevent unneeded emergency responses. We use it and I feel that I can dispatch as Quickly and more efficiently with it than systems that simply ask what you need and send everything emergency. Just last night I used the child birth card to talk a caller through the delivery of her daughter's baby. Talked to the family right before I left work they want me to come by the hospital later this morning to meet with them. This is one of the moments that make staying up all night answering some of the questionable calls we deal with worthwhile. I will let you know how the visit goes.