One of those shifts that make you go "ARGH!"

Quick question. Was the patient on a disposable air mattress at the hospital?

Possible picture of the son in question? I had a situation similar to that and it sucked big time. Ended up going back and forth a few times before we could get everything figured out. Apparently the hospice company for my patient was supposed to supply some sort of oxygen concentrator that could go up to 15 L/m. Not surprisingly, they were a no show at the SNF.

Nope. Pt was not on the blue air mattress at the hospital. We could not have taken the air mattress with us, wasn't portable. (Although I love the blue ones and get really excited when we have a patient on them. So more comfortable for the patients!
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Originally Posted by eveningsky339
Reason #48 why firefighters should stay away from EMS.

Posted by AJ aka BLSBoy
Reason #1 to NOT make ASSumptions.

I agree with AJ 100%.
Originally Posted by eveningsky339
Reason #48 why firefighters should stay away from EMS.

Posted by AJ aka BLSBoy

I agree with AJ 100%.


WELCOME to my "other" hangout. ^_^
Aw Sasha :( The stress will pass. I'm sure of it. But you're right, it is hard to see this stuff and it will bother anyone that cares about their pts. I make you offers of beer and cookies. Take your pick. Maybe when I take my cruise next year I can actually drop them off to you. :P
Reason #48 why firefighters should stay away from EMS.

Well your reasons are pretty much nothing more than opinions here in southern Cali, where fire base ems it the majority. I run many multiple calls in my 24 hour shift and still have time ti train and drill and not rant, but I guess thats what seperates the pro's from the minors.
Reason #48 why firefighters should stay away from EMS.

Not defending the person you responded too but I think thats a very broad generalization. We have a few FF's in our class and they are whip smart. I wouldn't mind working with them in the field.
I'll make assumptions when a firefighter who has no experience with elder abuse, let alone ALS, decides that the OP just needs to "suck it up". Ridiculous.

So what makes you the "expert" on what a firefighter/EMT or firefighter EMT-P
has experience with? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: