Oklahoma Woman Shoots At An Ambulance

Whoops... Ridryder.... is this normal for your neck of the woods?
Whoops... Ridryder.... is this normal for your neck of the woods?

Heck, she probably was a former medic herself :D....

From what I understood from news reports that she has an long outstanding psych and substance problems....

R/r 911
Scene safety lesson anyone? ;)
Not sure how scene safety is a factor. You're called to a residence for chest pain and you have to worry about gunfire? Not very typical. I'm glad nobody was hurt but that could happen to anyone with horrible results.
Not sure how scene safety is a factor. You're called to a residence for chest pain and you have to worry about gunfire? Not very typical. I'm glad nobody was hurt but that could happen to anyone with horrible results.

Meant as a joke... But I forgot how often my jokes get picked apart on here...