Oh my god.


Forum Deputy Chief
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I feel compelled to share this because it's so freaking crazy and exciting.

Quick back story: I was adopted at birth because my birth mother was only 16. It was a very open adoption and although I've never met her I have always known I was adopted. I am a pre-nursing major, and I want to be an ED/ICU nurse and then flight nurse.

Last Friday I was on the 6pm news because the DMV is screwing me over, basically. My entire birth family saw me, including my birth mother, and her parents called my dad while I was at work. They all want to meet me.

Here's the kicker...

she's a nurse!

No word yet on what kind. She lives in the area so maybe I'll bump into her at a clinical. Wowza.
Your'e a celebrity! Fight the man! :angry:

I'm sure you'll get the license thing squared away quick enough. You certainly have their attention.

Separately, I take it you've never met your birth mother. Wow. This is a significant event, and I sincerely want to offer my best wishes in regards to the meeting. Based on what I've seen you post here, you seem mature beyond your years. I would imagine she will be very proud of you.

What an amazing story. Who'da thunk it?

All the best! :)

Such a small world......I guess it was meant to be....:)
Hey, thank you everyone for your kind words and support :) I'll be meeting her soon so I'll update.
Wow, I haven't been on the news since that last car chase(taking hostages is hard work). lol.

Can I have your autograph?
what was the DMV screwing you on?
I just turned 18, but I've never had a permit, license or ID card before. For a while I didn't need or want to drive and I decided saving money for college would be a better use of my money. Now that I really need to drive the DMV won't give me an instruction permit or any other form of identification because I can't show them government-issued photo ID. It's a stupid catch 22.

If I would've went to get it two weeks ago when I was 17 I would've walked out with my permit because my dad would've been able to sign and vouch for me. For god's sake I could've shown them a 19-year-old refugee I-94 and nothing else and walked out with a permit or ID card. But a valid social security card and valid state birth certificate weren't enough, so they referred me to an "exception process" where I had to leave a message to wait for someone to call me back to make an appt. to meet with an investigator so he can look through all the documentation I can up with and decide if I have the right to identification.

The problem is the *******s won't call me back for an appt. and there is not a single person at the DMV that will tell me a damn thing. It is literally impossible to talk to anyone about the "exception process".

In the meanwhile I can't learn how to drive, travel, sign any contracts, get started on moving out, or even buy myself cold medicine. I'm having a really hard time getting financial aid for school from the state, and I can't get a job at the hospital and I obviously can't get a job for an ambulance service. It's really frustrating.

News story
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