Oh my freaking God


EMS Junkie
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So I finally applied to Collier EMS last Friday, and since the letter wouldn't get to me in time, they called me this morning to tell me to prepare for a written test, physical agility test, a scenario and my oral interview. I'm completely freaking out...I've been away from this stuff over a year, I found all my books and am already reading my *** off. I wasn't going to post anything incase I didn't get the job, but I'm too excited, I just had too.
Awesome Jenn! Now get offline and start reading.
Thanks Chimpie! I did, read for 3 hours straight. I don't know if they're going to test us on the old CPR standards or the new ones. I think AHA's site has the new standards don't they? Damn cleveland clinic never sent me the package. (That's who I teach through supposedly).
I don't know of anyone who is teaching to the new standards. You could always call and ask.
Good Luck Jenn.

Is this common for anybody elses area? A pre-employment physical fitness test for EMS?

Up here, only Fire has to take a Physical Abilities test prior to hire.
I wish it was uncommon. I'm totally out of shape after that 8 months of sitting on my *** with this damn ankle. The only thing I know about it is I have to be able to go up & down 2 flights of stairs carrying 75lbs of weight. I'm sure there's more but it's probably better that I don't know.
I'm pullin' for ya! Good luck!

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
Wingnut said:
I wish it was uncommon. I'm totally out of shape after that 8 months of sitting on my *** with this damn ankle. The only thing I know about it is I have to be able to go up & down 2 flights of stairs carrying 75lbs of weight. I'm sure there's more but it's probably better that I don't know.

Have you seen some of the people in EMS?

The ability to climb two flights of stairs, alone, barring the 75lbs... Would be an amazing feat.
Have you seen some of the people in EMS?

The ability to climb two flights of stairs, alone, barring the 75lbs... Would be an amazing feat.

LMAO, Especially here....I have been keeping that in mind, thanks :)

Emtff, thanks...it's appreciated, and I wish you could.

Actually I found out I have to have a cyst removed on Thurdsay, and my doctor won't clear me for the physical agility test (all this is happening Friday btw). I just got off the phone with EMS and they're going to let me do everything but that, and as long as I pass everything else they'll reschedule it when I'm cleared for it...This is all working out too well, if I keep studying I might actually make it through!
Physical agility testing... that's tantamount to a dirty word around here. When I tested for hiring here, my captain thought it would be a "fun" idea to use the LAFD's quarterly fitness test. A circuit training kind of thing w/ pushups, pullups, sit-ups and the kicker... a step test. We had to step up and down from a 16-inch box in time with a metronome doing about 80 bpm. Needless to say, it sucked. As a matter of fact, after I was done, I wished I was dead. LOL
Good Lord I really hope they don't do that here.
I think her ankle just rebroke just by reading that.
You only have to carry 75 pounds, wow must be nice...we are expected to carry 100 lbs if you work on the bus, 150 if you are on a QRV and 175 if you are a LT or CAPT. Makes for an interesting shift too cause our bags weigh nearly 50 lbs by themselves, then add O2 and a monitor...easily 100 lbs of stuff. But I seriously hope that you get the job.
Chimpie said:
I think her ankle just rebroke just by reading that.

ROFLMAO :lol: Yeah, I thought I heard something crunch after I read that.

Jeez FFEMT, sounds like the fire program here, they have a heavy regimin to pass. Did you have to take another written and practical to get hired too?
If your in shape fitness tests will be the absolute least of your worries. But now if your smoking a pack a day and havent excercised for a very long time, then Id be worried about that test.

Well I don't have to worry about it until the 28th. So at least now I have time to really read and make sure I pass everything else :)
A lot of places are doing some sort of physical testing to try to reduce their future workers comp claims. If they hire a guy who can't go up and down two flights with 75lbs, chances are that guy will be out on comp pretty soon.
you should do great.

Good luck
You will be great! Our physical was a little tough, we had to first go 2 flights with 100 lbs, then with 125 lbs right after the first. also has to stair step for 3 mins at a good pace and had to lift 200 lbs 3 times on a board from the ground with the other end attached midway up the wall. If my big 5'11 200lb butt did it you will get through with out breaking a sweat. Good luck!:)
Carpe Diem said:
You will be great! Our physical was a little tough, we had to first go 2 flights with 100 lbs, then with 125 lbs right after the first. also has to stair step for 3 mins at a good pace and had to lift 200 lbs 3 times on a board from the ground with the other end attached midway up the wall. If my big 5'11 200lb butt did it you will get through with out breaking a sweat. Good luck!:)

:blink: Oh hell.