Oh God


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Hello bretheren (and sisters) of this world of EMS I have fallen into.

I am Bubba of New Jersey. I am very disheartened at the career aspects of EMS so far, and am freaking out.

Became an EMT 1 year ago.
Never Volunteered.
Only jobs out there are transport companies that misuse and abuse us.
Paramedic Program wont even look at me with out volunteer experience.

Why am I doing this again??
Started volunteering recently.
lets see what that gets us.
I'm getting too old for this mess.

Help, Advise. :-(
Take the transport job, make the best of it, it's a great opprotunity.
Sometimes its a rough start in EMS. If you really want to make a go of it just stick it out. Do the volunteer thing if you have the time.... it sounds like you have yet to have any real patient care experience. This will afford you the opportunity to get some experience in dealing with critical patients and give ya some exposure that may be helpful once you enter Paramedic.

I personally hate commercial transport.... mainly because it is so redundant and boring. And around here, the private transport companies have crappy units, their management seems to care little about their employees, and they seem to attract a lot of the "rejects".... I know what your talking about and sense your frustration.
Depending on where in Jersey you live, some of us may be able to point you in the right direction. A lot of private companies have 911 contracts covering for, or backing up, volunteer squads during the daytime. And while transport companies kinda stink, there isn't, as far as I can tell, a shortage of EMT jobs in Jersey.
Paramedic Program wont even look at me with out volunteer experience.

What paramedic program won't take anyone without volunteer experience? Do you mean any EMT experience, or specifically volunteer? Is this the only paramedic program in your area, or is there another program nearby you can attend?
What paramedic program won't take anyone without volunteer experience? Do you mean any EMT experience, or specifically volunteer? Is this the only paramedic program in your area, or is there another program nearby you can attend?

There are only four paramedic programs in the great state of New Jersey. Jersey City/Liberty Health, Union County College, MONOC/Ocean County College, and VirtuaHealth/Camden County College.

Virtua requires no experience in order to enter their program, unless you want to do your clinicals at Underwood Hospital, then there is a one year EMT-Basic experience requirement. MONOC, I believe, wants 2 years, or 1 year if you work for them, as an EMT-Basic. I'm not sure about the others.