Oh boy...

A young lady in a class after mine went through and due to her religion was only allowed to wear skirts also. She was able to work around it by wearing culottes that were not quite a skirt but not pants. They ended up looking like a skirt but were not anymore in the way than EMT pants.
One cannot always make exception to religion(s) as I posted. We actually had a case very similar to this in which we denied a student because of the skirt issue. So sad, very bright student but part of the job is being protected and as well, the uniform is well defined. We obtained legal advice and stayed upon our requirements.

One cannot just acclaim "religious rights" whenever they feel. If they are informed prior and it is part of the standardization for all employees there is no discriminatory actions attempted.

R/r 911
One cannot always make exception to religion(s) as I posted. We actually had a case very similar to this in which we denied a student because of the skirt issue. So sad, very bright student but part of the job is being protected and as well, the uniform is well defined. We obtained legal advice and stayed upon our requirements.

One cannot just acclaim "religious rights" whenever they feel. If they are informed prior and it is part of the standardization for all employees there is no discriminatory actions attempted.

R/r 911

And remember guys, this is coming from a devoted Christian (Rid/ryder).
I agree. It is not about denying religious freedom, but about safety and uniformity.
I think it depends. If a Sikh wants to wear a bracelet or mini-sword pin, I don't care. A turban? Can't see how a headset will work with that. I'd even be fine with a headscarf, as long as it was the same color as the uniform and didn't interfere with the headset. But if it can't practically work, then there's no getting around that. Meanwhile, I think employers are within their rights to not make accommodations. It's called a uniform for a reason...
I think it depends. If a Sikh wants to wear a bracelet or mini-sword pin, I don't care. A turban? Can't see how a headset will work with that. I'd even be fine with a headscarf, as long as it was the same color as the uniform and didn't interfere with the headset. But if it can't practically work, then there's no getting around that. Meanwhile, I think employers are within their rights to not make accommodations. It's called a uniform for a reason...

What's this headset stuff? We don't wear headsets.
What's this headset stuff? We don't wear headsets.

Some fire services use them in both the ambulances and engines, and their use is non-negotiable--anything that interferes needs to be dealt with before you can work. My current job doesn't use them, which is nice. They're a hassle, although they can be nicer than having to shout over outside noise.
Some fire services use them in both the ambulances and engines, and their use is non-negotiable--anything that interferes needs to be dealt with before you can work. My current job doesn't use them, which is nice. They're a hassle, although they can be nicer than having to shout over outside noise.

Can I assume that headsets are worn only while in the Ambulance/Engine?
Originally, I was imagining a wired/wireless headset connected to the portable two-way radio.

I guess the popularity of bluetooth cellphone headsets started making me think.
Can I assume that headsets are worn only while in the Ambulance/Engine?
Originally, I was imagining a wired/wireless headset connected to the portable two-way radio.

I guess the popularity of bluetooth cellphone headsets started making me think.

Yep. They're hardwired into the vehicles. Big bulky earmuff-type things.
One cannot always make exception to religion(s) as I posted. We actually had a case very similar to this in which we denied a student because of the skirt issue. So sad, very bright student but part of the job is being protected and as well, the uniform is well defined. We obtained legal advice and stayed upon our requirements.

One cannot just acclaim "religious rights" whenever they feel. If they are informed prior and it is part of the standardization for all employees there is no discriminatory actions attempted.

R/r 911

Can I assume that headsets are worn only while in the Ambulance/Engine?
Originally, I was imagining a wired/wireless headset connected to the portable two-way radio.

I guess the popularity of bluetooth cellphone headsets started making me think.

They do make the wireless type headsets I believe.
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