Nurses Assist Those With Nowhere Else to Turn


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How is this EMS related? I'm sure the moderators asking this and wanting to delete it.
These programs will help to reduce the number of 911 calls and hospital days tying up bed space. Unfortunately there are not enough.

Nurses Assist Those With Nowhere Else to Turn

Jul. 23--They have tended their patients under bridges, in tent cities, and in the starkest of homes.

Their patients are often those nobody wants to hear about but whose lives depend on the constant care of the nurses who work for the Visiting Nurse Association of Tulsa.

"These are people who have no Medicare, no Medicaid, no resources. Nobody else wants to see them," said George Beilke, the organization's CEO for 28 years. "Our job is to get them back on their feet."

Many can't afford to pay for their utilities, and some are homeless.

Many nurses make $20,000 to $30,000 less each year than they made working elsewhere, but they stay because they care.
This reminds me of the public health nurses back in the 1920s. Definitely a good idea.
Good for them. Hopefully they can remain fully funded or get access to some type of city/county/state funds...with the easy availability of flu-shots it's surprising that the bulk of their funding comes from that.
How is this EMS related? I'm sure the moderators asking this and wanting to delete it.

Since this article came straight from an EMS news reporting site, I would think this clearly relates to this particular site with no questions asked!
Since this article came straight from an EMS news reporting site, I would think this clearly relates to this particular site with no questions asked!

Yeah but the moderators don't always see it that way. That is why I made an attempt to justify its presence. I guess I am surprised it has lasted this long without being removed.
"What I say is they are all a member of the human race and should be treated with dignity."

If only more would follow this philosophy!

That is great!