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I took my NR for my medic 2 weeks ago failing miserably I got down on myself for doing so badly and heard from an instructor to try a guy he's heard of class his name is Jon Puryear , well I completed his class today and WOW! The guy has changed my outlook on everything and taught me more in 16 hrs then what I learned throughout medic school.
He will change your whole attitude and outlook on the NR and everything about the body, ems and more..
Thanks Mr. Puryear I owe it to you that I will pass my NR on the 24th of January.
What are your intentions with this thread?

I feel like I'm reading a script from an infomercial... But congrats to you on passing registry!
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I wanted to let anybody who has struggled with NR to keep on going and that Jon Puryears class is great in helping with that.
If I buy now will you cut it to only 2 easy payments? Or do I have to promise to recommend it to a friend?
I've heard very good things about that guy's course. Glad it worked out for you.
Well I still failed the NR the 2nd time. That's due to me waiting so long to take it. Back to studying and reading my medic book
Will Puryear give you a refund?...
He doesn't guarantee passing. I took his class to refresh my memory since its been awhile since I was in school.