NREMT Moving to FL


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I am a 20 year NREMT Basic that is moving to Florida. I am seeking thoughts and guidance along with websites I frequent on a breakdown process. Such as do I have to take the state test, and if so, how should I prepare for such an exam since some items have been added or deleted from the test, and any other items that will help my journey.

Thank You
in order to be certified in FL you'll have to submit your CPR card and a statement of good standing (from NREMT) to the Florida Dept of Health. From there you have to apply for certification on the Florida Health website (pay the $35 dollar fee) and then you'd have to take and pass the NREMT test again (for Florida) at any Pearson testing site.

I see you're in LA...that's where I'm trying to get to now. I had an interview for NOLA EMS on the 6th...and I'm still waiting to hear back. :(

Let's just switch places.
Actually..... I may help you, if you care to, tell me alittle of yourself... Background, plans of location,etc..