Normothermic Fluid references
For those people that are unsure about all this normothermic fluid discussion I have listed a few related articles:
1. Brian J. Murray, M. (1981). "Severe Lactic Acidosis and Hypothermia." The Western Journal of medicine: 162-166.
2. Charles. Smith MD, F. (2001). "Evaluation of a New IV Fluid and Blood Warming System to Prevent Air Embolism." International Trauma care Fall/Winter: 78-82.
3. Charles. Smith MD, F. (2004). "Prevention and treatment of Hypothermia in Trauma patients." International Trauma care Spring: 68-80.
4. Charles. Smith MD, F. (2008). Principles Of Fluid and Blood Warming in Trauma. International Trauma Care. 18: 71-79.
5. David B. Stabb, M. V. J. S., MD; John J. Fath, MD; Sundara B. K. Raman, MD; H. Mathilda Horst, MD; Farouck N. Obeid, MD (1994). "Coagulation Defects resulting from Ambient Temperature Induced Hypothermia." The Journal of Trauma 36(5): 634- 638.
6. Dorraine Day watts, P. A. T., MD; karen Soeken, PhD; Philip Perdue, MD, MPH; Sheilah Dols, MT (ASCP); Christopher Kaufmann, MD, MPH (1998). "Hypothermic Coagulopathy in Trauma: Effect of varying levels of Hypothermia on Enzyme Speed, Platelet function and Fibrinolytic Activity." The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection and Critical Care. 44(5): 846-854.
7. Dorraine Day watts, P. M. R., RN; Ray Tricarico, NREMT-P; Frank Poole, EMT-CT; John J. Brown, Jr, EMT-CT; George B. Colson, MDArthur Trask, MD; Samir M. Fakhry, MD (1999). "The Utility of Traditional Prehospital Interventions in Maintaining Homeostasis." Ppehospital Emergency care 3(2): 115-122.
8. S.M.Frank (2001). Consequences of Hypothermia. Current Anaesthesia & Critical care 12, 79-86.
9. Gregory J. Jurkovich, M. (1989). Hypothermia in the Trauma Patient. 4: 111-140.
10. Hans Husum, M. T. O., MD; Mudhafar Murad, MD; Yang Van heng, MD; Torben Wisborg, MD, DEAA; Mads Gilbert, MD, PhD (2002). "Preventing Post-Injury Hypothermia During prolonged Prehospital Evacuation." Prehospital and Disaster Management 17(1): 23-26.
11. Henry Wang, M., MPH; Clifton Callaway, MD, PhD; Andrew Peitzman, MD; Samuel Tisherman,MD (2005). "Admission hypothermia and outcome after major trauma." Critical Care Medicine 33(6): 1296-1301.
12. Jolene B. Fox, R. F. T., MD; Terry P. Clemmer, MD; Michael Grossman, MD (1988). "A Retrospective Analysis of Air-Evacuated Hypothermia Patients." Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine: 1070-1074.
13. Judy Mikhail, R., MSN, CCRN, CEN (1999). "The Trauma Triad of Death: Hypothermia, Acidosis and Coagulopathy." AACN Clinical Issues 10(1): 85-94.
14. Kathryn Moore, D., RN (2008). "Hypothermia in Trauma." Journal of Trauma Nursing 15(2): 62-64.
15. Larry M. Gentiello, M. G. J. J., MD; Michelle S. Stark, RN, M.N; S. Ahmad Hassantash, MD; Grant E. O'Keefe, MD, M.P.H (1997). "Is Hypothermia in the Victim of Major Trauma protective or Harmful?. A randomized, prospective study." Annals of Surgery 226(4): 439-449.
16. Linda. Lapointe, M. A. N., RN, MS (2002). "Coagulopathies in Trauma Patients." AACN Clinical Issues 13(12): 192-203.
17. Lynne McCullough, M. S. A., MD (2004). "Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypothermia." American family Physician 70(12): 2325-2332.
18. R. Sharyn Martin, P. D. K., Preston R. Miller, J. Jason Hoth, J. Wayne Meredith and Michael C. Chang (2005). "Injury-associated hypothermia: An analysis of the 2004 National Trauma Data Bank." Shock 24(2): 114-118.
19. Rick Y. Peng, M. F. S. B., MD, FACS (1999). "Hypothermia in Trauma
Patients." American College of Surgeons 188(6): 685-696.
20. Robert A. Finkelstein, MDCM, and Hasan B. Alam, MD (2010). “Induced Hypothermia for Trauma: Current Research and Practice. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 000(00) 1-22.
21. Sharyn Ireland, R. D. H., B Nurs, Crit Care Cert, ACCN, M.ed (2006). "Nursing and medical staff knowledge regarding the monitoring and management of accidental or exposure hypothermia in adult major trauma patients." International Journal of Nursing Practice 12: 308-318.
22. Weinberg, A. D. (1993). "Hypothermia Special situations." Annals of Emergency Medicine 22(February): 370-377.