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Hey all! I am new here. I'm getting ready for my NREMT-B test on the 21st of July!!!! Any one have any pointers for the test, let me know!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the forums. There is plenty to read and learn here, I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Hey all! I am new here. I'm getting ready for my NREMT-B test on the 21st of July!!!! Any one have any pointers for the test, let me know!!!!!!!!

The standard reply to that is ... answer more of them right than wrong! :P
Try this thread (, then dig a little. Some of the folks here have forgotten more about EMS than I'll ever learn, and it's all yours to find. Use the search function for particular topics that interest you. Best of luck on the test!
dont be you hav access to previous nremt tests? if so use them to study...take the tests and the grade yourselfr. they go in series like airway, cardiac, trauma, medical, and ob
Welcome! I am sure you will do great on your test as long as you study and know your material. Don't read to much into the questions, and try not to second guess yourself.
OMG!!!!!! Test in 2 days!!!!!!! I know you guys say not to be nervous, but I can't help it!!!!!!!!
Take deep breaths:) Just keep studying, know your V/S and procedures. I passed the nremt about 5 months ago on my second attempt. My first failure was due to lack of V/S knowledge (dont forget about the pupils as i did) but each test is different. Good luck and let us know how yah did.
Good luck, read each question carefully, and read EACH answer. You have plenty of time, so don't rush.
I took the NREMT-B Computer Based Test (CBT) last week and passed. I can offer the following pointers:

1) The CBT test is very different than any written test. The number of questions you receive is not set. The test is adaptive and ends when it has deteremined you are either profficient or not profficient. The average number of questions is 80. Go to the website and watch the videos there on it. Mine cut off at 70.

2) Most of the questions are scenario based - You have a 68 YO male patient, yada yada - what is the first thing you should do.

3) I do believe but cannot confirm that there might be more than one correct answer for a question, however one might be more right than the other and you could receive more points for the more correct one. As I said I cannot find any information on this however the questions I saw indicated it's might be possible. So - pick the best one and you'll do fine. Also some of the questions might be pilot questions which are ones that don't count but the NREMT is "trying out" for possible inclusion in future tests (these might be the ones that seem like they might have two correct answers which won't count towards your score)

4) Here's what I did and it worked: Read the question twice WITHOUT looking at the possible answers. Try to think of the answer in your head then see if that one is in the possible answers. Now, make sure the other three aren't more appropriate. Read the question again and all the answers again then make your choice.

5) Don't be affraid of running out of time - I think your given two hours and I finished in 65 minutes leaving just about a whole hour. There were six others in my class that all passed and they took about the same amount of time.

6) Relax, which I could not do until I actually got in front of the computer. The bottom line is if you know the material you'll pass.

Good luck and let us know how you do.

I hope this helps....
Okay...I took my test yesterday. Still no freaking word!!!! I'm assuming that's because it's a weekend. The test went okay!!!! Some questions were harder than expected (the one's with 2 right answers!!!!!!). Will let everyone know!!!!!!! ::sits at desk rapping his fingers::
Yes, I took mine on a Friday and had to wait until Monday morning - it was a long weekend........

How many questions did you have and how long did it take you?
I had about 75-78 questions and the whole reason I am freaking out is because it only took me 45 minutes! So, I'm hoping I did okay! How long did it take other people?

I took the computer based test in April. Same thing, I think I had 80 - 90 questions and about 45 minutes. Mine was on a Friday afternoon so I had to wait until Monday to hear anything. The short time scared me because it was my first attempt. The only thing I kept telling myself was "you knew the material and you either did really well or really bad" (sick sense of humor I know). It was a very long weekend with all the questions going over in my head wondering if I chose the best answer. I'm sure you did just fine. Take a deep breath, you have less than 24 hours to find out!
::Doing the Happy Dance:: ::Doing the Happy Dance:: I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaa Hooooo! Thanks for giving me a lot of tips, guys! It really helped me calm down a little!!!!!!
That is supposed to be "doing the happy dance" "doing the happy dance"
::Doing the Happy Dance:: ::Doing the Happy Dance:: I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaa Hooooo! Thanks for giving me a lot of tips, guys! It really helped me calm down a little!!!!!!

Um, yeah, we can tell...:P

Congratulations on passing!!
I said a little, not very much but a little!!!!!
Remember all this enthusiasm and happiness about five months from now when it's 15 degrees, 2:30 in the morning, and an "urban outdoorsman" (homeless dude) just puked on your shoes. Seriously, there's nothing like the feelings you're enjoying right now, and I wish you all the luck in the world. ^_^
Unfortunately, in the Chicagoland area, if you are working for a private ambulance company (which I am going to be doing) all you really do are transfers (nursing home to hospital and back) no 911 calls! :sad: