newbie- 1st post!

emt boy

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Hey guys and girls-
well im new here and i just wanted to introduce myself. Im going to be taking the emt class and i have a few questions.

1 im having trouble locating classes in my state (ct) where should i go or look?

2 does anyone feel the excellerated courses are alot harder or easier?

3 are there any free practise tests or questions anywhere?

thank you for reading and any future help!!!!
I don't know where in Connecticut you live, but each EMS region has a list of upcoming courses.

For example, North Central (Hartford Area) is listed here. classes.htm

Eastern Connecticut, where I lived, is here:

A little Googling will bring great results. :)

Most here will frown on an accererlated course. Seach for it, and you'll see the reasoning.

There are good practice quizzes and educational help at

Good luck.
i did google and the link you have given me is the only link i have found. alot of classes are booked or times dont match up with my schedule. Im looking for more options.

also when i did do a search for accererlated courses i only came up with my post.
cool - thanks
I read the thread about the accelerated classes - it seems like people say to go for it. My classes are 131 hours M-F 9-1
I think i could stay more on top of the course with a schedule like that.

Also I am not becoming an EMT. This class i s just require for a job position Im looking at and well its the only thing holding me back from getting it.

now how would i find out where the state tests are listed?