Hey all, I just moved to the Phoenix area and I'm looking to get my EMT-B and work towards Paramedic. I've got a few questions about the profession and wanted to see if anyone had any insight as to what the EMS job market is like around here. Right now I'm looking to take my EMT-B at the Arizona Academy of Emergency Services - anyone know anything about this place? They seem like a good program. So, after I get my EMT-B what is the chance of getting a paid position? I'm assuming it's different for different regions but what's the general consensus? I wouldn't mind volunteering but obviously I gotta pay the bills. Do most paramedic programs require experience? The AAES paramedic program doesn't list EMT experience as a prerequisite but I read somewhere (might have been on here) that they aren't "accredited". My goal is to move from EMT-B to Paramedic as quickly as possible. Any comments or info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!