Honest advice-you don't sound (mentally) ready as a new mother of a 5 month old.
Could I be wrong, and might you be? Sure, but worrying about not being able to "save" a baby from an unfortunate event because you can "relate" with a baby of your own is not the way to make this career work.
Sound insensitive? Maybe, and that's ok. I'm a father of two girls, and have been going at this long enough to remember them being the same age as some of the kiddos I would pick up. What I don't remember was worrying I couldn't "save a life" because of it. If, or when I saw a sick kid similar to my girls' age it more than anything put things into perspective for me.
That is what this job should teach you: perspective...and humility amongst other things.
Be grateful for what you have, don't wish to "save lives" because you're awesome at something in your own mind. Go in humble, flexible, and listen to providers you seek to emulate (hopefully not the wrong crowd). There is value in detachment, and at the end of the day these aren't "your babies".
Also, try being a bit more humble in your posts. At 21 to say you're "awesome" at thinking on your feet, and "precise" at medical emergencies without any real experience behind you will not foster growth in your career, nor will it yield the most honest answers from a respectable crowd. I still don't find myself "precise" with every medical emergency (a term left up to one's own interpretation).
I skipped encouragement in lieu of wisdom, and honesty. BTW, we do not save lives, we prolong them; sometimes for all the wrong reasons.