New guy from Tampa!


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Hey all, my names Cody and Im 20 years old just graduated from FMTI Tampa for my EMT-B on 10/21/2011. I have never dealt with anything medical until going to school due to my first wishes of becoming a Marine but that was halted due to my asthma. So why not do something else to help people so I signed up in Sumer 2011 and finished in October of 2011.

I have only done my rides and Im currently awaiting my authorization to test so in the meantime I am on here as a student I guess and to learn some more things before I test. I am happy to have found a forum for the EMS field and such a active one at that. Look forward to my experience here.
Welcome, I went to FMTI Tampa and finished in August. Which company did you ride with?
I rode with AMR and what class were you in at FMTI?
What instructor taught E 52? Other company meaning Trans Care?
OH Americare? Yeah I know Travis and I had Mike Reyer, Im going back sometime next year for my Paramedic Cert. I love that school and the instructors were filled with info.