New EMT-SD County


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I recently completed an EMT-B program at Palomar College here in North County SD, and I would just like to say hello to all of the EMTs out there. I have all of my certs, and recently interviewed for a position with a private ambulance company. I am so nervous waiting for a response from them to see if I am hired.
Welcome aboard, and good luck with the job!
Welcome to the tribe and good luck with your studies!!:)
Welcome Aboard !

Hi Corndoggy ,
Cograts on the cert . I used to work for Schaefer and Southwest when I was living in SD area . I was also a call FF for Crest ( now East county FPD )What company did you apply at ? Godd luck . Keep us posted .
Are you near the fires? What can you tell us?
fire info

Hi Brad ,
I don't live in the SD area anymore . I've lived in the Kern River Valley about 50 miles east of Bakersfield since 1992 . Kern county got off easy . 1 900 acre fire , no structures lost or threatened . A lot of our firefighters are down there helping . My thoughts and prayers are with everyone down there . I haven't really kept in touch but my heart's with my former co - workers , both EMS and FD .
I'm also curious as to who you applied with. I just moved to the bay area from San Diego. I used to work for a private company down there as well. If you get a chance put in application with Rural Metro as quickly as possible!
I applied at Rural/Metro and they decided to hire me!!! I am so excited. I took my drug test and physical last Friday along with submitting my Live Scan fingerprints. I suppose I got prettty lucky because this is the only company I have applied to, and has been my #1 choice since I started down this path. During the interview I told them about just how commited I was to becoming part of their team and that I had not applied anywhere else. I feel that that helped in their decision. I must admit that now I am a little nervous about transitioning knowledge into the real world. I have never been truly tested on what I know, with the exception of the standard skills/ written examinations given throughout the EMT program. Does anyone happen to have any tips for a newcomer getting ready to begin his orientation? Thank you for your concern about the fires bstone, but things are ok in the area around where I live. I live in San Marcos, and the fire did burn into Coronado Hills (where some friends of mine live), but all is well. My lungs got all gunked up from the air quality, but god bless all those whom worked so hard to safeguard us here. I can't even imagine how they feel. I cannot wait until I get to firefighter paramedic and work along side such fine people.
Yup my #1 choice the whole time has been Rural/Metro, and I am excited to say that I am being hired by them.
I dont know yet how to post a reply inside of someone else's response. Stephanie were you in my class? My name is Cory... day class.
Nice! well congrats on getting in with R/M! It is good to work close with people that work for the city. They can help you along your journey plus there is room to move up with that company. I'm not sure if the contract has changed, but I'm pretty sure that after you've worked with them for a little while you can apply to work for the city as a single roll EMT. Last I checked the city was trying to get away from hiring single rolls, but that might have only been paramedics.
Have you taken the national registry test? Or was that your final?

Also, I dig the fallout avatar you've got going.
Have you taken the national registry test? Or was that your final?

Also, I dig the fallout avatar you've got going.
Haha thank you, I used to play that game alot. Yes I took the national registry back in August and passed it on my first attempt. Took about 75 questions. It has been kinda weird studying NR protocols and then having to disregard alot of them and memorize SD ones lol.
Nice! well congrats on getting in with R/M! It is good to work close with people that work for the city. They can help you along your journey plus there is room to move up with that company. I'm not sure if the contract has changed, but I'm pretty sure that after you've worked with them for a little while you can apply to work for the city as a single roll EMT. Last I checked the city was trying to get away from hiring single rolls, but that might have only been paramedics.
Well it is definetly the most appealing aspect of working for R/M. My sister works for a private (wealthy) retirement community in La Costa. She has been telling me that they hire EMT-Bs at around $14-16/Hr. She thought that I was crazy for wanting to work for a company that pays less (much less), but at this stage in our careers it is much more important to get the best experience possible. R/M also has Paramedics and a bridge program to give us EMT-Bs a chance to work alongside them. That is where I would love to be, especially since Paramedic is where I am going. Another thing about my sister's company... she told me that the director is working on company policy to enable their on-site EMT-Bs to get to use Oxygen LOLOL (so I wonder if it is even technically EMT-Bs that they are looking for or first responders, and ridiculous in my opinions since Oxygen is nearly the only drug, which we may administer within our scope, and the most important one at that to us EMT-Bs). I would hate to be the EMT-B sitting there administering CPR w/o Oxygen to a patient just because my company will not supply it. So if anyone is looking for a cushy job check out those kind of communities, but I think I will stick to paying my dues and honing my skills before I attempt the next step (one of the pre-requisites for the Palomar College Paramedic program is one year of experience as a paid EMT-B anyways).
Well it is definetly the most appealing aspect of working for R/M. My sister works for a private (wealthy) retirement community in La Costa. She has been telling me that they hire EMT-Bs at around $14-16/Hr. She thought that I was crazy for wanting to work for a company that pays less (much less), but at this stage in our careers it is much more important to get the best experience possible. R/M also has Paramedics and a bridge program to give us EMT-Bs a chance to work alongside them. That is where I would love to be, especially since Paramedic is where I am going. Another thing about my sister's company... she told me that the director is working on company policy to enable their on-site EMT-Bs to get to use Oxygen LOLOL (so I wonder if it is even technically EMT-Bs that they are looking for or first responders, and ridiculous in my opinions since Oxygen is nearly the only drug, which we may administer within our scope, and the most important one at that to us EMT-Bs). I would hate to be the EMT-B sitting there administering CPR w/o Oxygen to a patient just because my company will not supply it. So if anyone is looking for a cushy job check out those kind of communities, but I think I will stick to paying my dues and honing my skills before I attempt the next step (one of the pre-requisites for the Palomar College Paramedic program is one year of experience as a paid EMT-B anyways).

How are Palomar's health programs? I'm debating going to Palomar or UCR for my anatomy and medic classes. There both the same distance from me(45-50mi).
new emt in SD county

Hey corndoggy , that's great ! Congrats on the new job . Rural Metro's in SD now ????? They must've really improved , years ago they were considered really bad . Could you fill me in , when I was there there was Schaefer , Southwest , Hartson , ( who also had the city PM contract ) , Balboa , and Air evac . What companies are down there now ? Is Schaefer still active ? How did the east county make out in the fires ? Did Crest or Alpine burn ? Pretty much all the news zoomed in on was Rancho Bernardo . Just like Katrina when they focued on New Orleans .
