New EMT-I student to the forum 8D


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Finally found a decent forum to talk to people on!

I'm an EMT-I student in Atlanta and was looking for other people I could talk to in terms of what I could be doing right now to get experience while I go through school and stuff.

I'm in my 3rd of 6 "terms" at an EMS private school, currently learning pharmacology and trauma and starting IV's soon. I go on my first clinical next week, also, and am both excited and a bit nervous.

So...I suppose that's my short introduction. Nice to meet all of you! :)
Are you starting from Basic? What level of Intermediate are you going for?
Our school includes the Basic with our Intermediate training in a 9 month program.

In Georgia it's just EMT-b, EMT-I/85 (EMT-I/99 isn't recognized in Georgia) and then EMT-P. However I believe later this year or beginning of next year they are changing to an EMT Advanced which is a level above EMT-I before EMT-P, and we will have a bridge program.
Our school includes the Basic with our Intermediate training in a 9 month program.

In Georgia it's just EMT-b, EMT-I/85 (EMT-I/99 isn't recognized in Georgia) and then EMT-P. However I believe later this year or beginning of next year they are changing to an EMT Advanced which is a level above EMT-I before EMT-P, and we will have a bridge program.

Sounds like a cool program. I went to a school that did something similar.

Of course our EMT-I was about 15% below the 99 standard (IVs, ETT, EKG, cardiac meds, D50, etc) but we tested for 85 as we didn't meet the 99 standard. So we get to take a bridge course that teaches us less than what we already know.
Im guessing medix? Good news is Atlanta has a pretty decent market for new EMT's best of luck.
That does seem like a cool program. Over here in Texas at my school, it's 6 months EMT-B and then straight to EMT-P school for a year and a half