New EMS tv show on NBC


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Its called "Trauma"

I think its kind of entertaining to watch, but please keep in mind that its way over hollywood. Some of you will prob hate it. I think its kind of fun myself.
This has already been talked about a lot on this site.

There's a search feature in the top right. If you search, you will see the conversation about the show.

It's not really a huge deal, but you may want to try searching for something before posting about it.

This one's your freebie :P

I should also say the show has been cancelled.
I bet you its unrealistic.
I don't know, I have my hopes, there's a character called "Rabbit" that seems like a cool medic.
I give it 4 weeks till it's canceled.

It will be canceled after this season.

But, in less than 4 weeks they will have another huge fireball show about a plane crash with hundreds of victims and these idiots running through the flames with no protection.

It was just filmed last week in Alameda, CA with quite a few local FF/EMT(P)s as extra.
This show is "meh" at best. They need to decide if they want to focus on proper ems and entertain those of us in EMS or if they want' to focus on the relationships between the characters and let us not waste our time. Either way, it will be canceled soon.
did you guys ever catch that other EMS show that ran on TNT a couple years ago called "Saved"? It was also cancelled after first season, but was worse than this show.
I find it amazing that some of you think the network made this show for us, and not the millions of everyday Americans that don't know the difference between an EMT and a paramedic.
That's a good point, most laymen don't know the difference between EMT's and Medics, and furthermore aren't scrutinizing every procedure mistake that's made. Although i did laugh my *** off when Rabbit ran iced fluids for that kid who ate :censored::censored::censored::censored: on his skateboard. Good way to lose your job and your license.

These shows make EMS personnel out to be focused on saving lives rather than the reality of focusing on saving your job.
did you guys ever catch that other EMS show that ran on TNT a couple years ago called "Saved"? It was also cancelled after first season, but was worse than this show.

How dare you speak that heinous name...
I heard that in one episode a rig stages right next to a gang w/o police.... how cool is that!!!!!
I love how it seems the only drugs they seem to know is morphine and epi. Morphine for VFib. Morphine first treatment for falling onto a car, morphine after being impaled on metal sticking out of the ground before you start your assesment. Morphine for everything! Oh... you're not breathing? Here's an OPA and a little morphine. No pulse? Let me knead dough on your chest for a few seconds. You're good as new!

ET tube? What's that? We dont need no ET tubes. We have OPAs!

I really hope one of the next episodes has her giving morphine to someone with an allergy because they never seem to bother to ask.
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Yeah, then one of the gang members pulled a piece on the medic and made him come out. All before PD were on scene.
I love how it seems the only drugs they seem to know is morphine and epi. Morphine for VFib. Morphine first treatment for falling onto a car. Morphine for everything! Oh... you're not breathing? Here's an OPA and a little morphine. No pulse? Let me knead dough on your chest for a few seconds. You're good as new!

ET tube? What's that? We dont need no ET tubes. We have OPAs!

I especially liked when the EMT said he couldn't intubate because of upper airway swelling, so he dropped an NPA.
I find it amazing that some of you think the network made this show for us, and not the millions of everyday Americans that don't know the difference between an EMT and a paramedic.

Well, there is the part that it is unappealing in the extreme, serving as a miserable pile or excrement to the general population. It may actively defecate on EMS, but it vomits cliches and trite storylines upon the non-EMS viewers.
Yes Saved was def worse then Trauma,, I find it all very amusing haha,,, They try so hard but my goodness they have no clue what its really like out there....
I find it amazing that some of you think the network made this show for us, and not the millions of everyday Americans that don't know the difference between an EMT and a paramedic.

whats the difference between an EMT and a paramedic? The paramedic crossed the road.
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