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I know most of us don't do HEMS, but I thought, with a lot of googling, this was very educational and worth reading for knowledge's sake.
Neonate with Refractory Hypoxemia
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Neonate with Refractory Hypoxemia
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You are called to the emergency room of a community-based hospital 50 nautical miles away for a 3-day-old male in severe respiratory distress. His birth was a spontaneous, uncomplicated normal vaginal delivery. His mother reports that she had prenatal care and has two other healthy children at home.
She stated to the emergency room staff that her baby has had trouble “latching on” when breast feeding and that the “bluish” skin tone — which birth center staff had told her was normal right after birth — had not gone away. She had an appointment with her pediatrician this afternoon, but decided to bring her baby into the emergency room when it appeared that he was having increased trouble breathing.
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