Need to cram for HAM exam, Sam.


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Any good websites to learn generally what one needs to know to pass the tech license and be a good radio citizen? I bought the "Dummies" book but it skips that.
There's a couple that will help you with pre-testing... using the official FCC test question pool. I think QRZ has one... and there's a couple others. The good ones will not only help you with the correct answer, it'll tell you why it's correct.

Just search for HAM Radio online practice test and you'll find the links right away. They should be free...
Any good websites to learn generally what one needs to know to pass the tech license and be a good radio citizen? I bought the "Dummies" book but it skips that.

Check your PMs for my contact info. The Tech license is easy (depending on your background).

Newark, CA, ARES EC
Thanks for all the help!

We are having a two day course, a week apart. I hate to go into a battle of wits half-armed.:blush:
To me, QRZ is the best site to test on. They let you know your wrong answers as you go along. Good luck.


Emailed to check on tomorrow's class last afternoon: "Still on"

Some recommend the actual classes but the study guides posted do the trick!
I might pass the course through another route despite them.

Oh well...
Oh well...

Pick up the ARRL study guides. Spend a few weeks with those and you will be good to go for the cert test. The ARRL books have gotten me thru General, and Im working on Extra. Altho its been back burnered until after I finish Medic.

Good Luck, & 73
I studied a little for the General class before I went for my Technician and took a shot at both since it didn't cost anymore... I passed the Technician and missed the General by 3 or 4. I think I might try to start studying for the General again and go for it in Nov. All depends on how this semester plays out.

Studying this guide below and review the question pool and you will pass no problem.