Need some job advice.


Forum Crew Member
Title should say it all; I need some advice on finding work in EMS. I graduated my EMT-I85 class back in Dec with some solid grades, been looking for a job ever since. I'm 20 years old, live in Haralson County in West Georgia, and the only experience I have working in the field is clinicals ( /shamed). I haven't taken EVOC because for some insane reason, there's only one place in the state of Georgia, at least that I know of, that teaches EMS EVOC and it's forever away from me. The biggest problem I've had so far is that every service under the sun has the type of insurance that mandates the driver be 21, and in this neck of the woods, 'driver' is interchangeable with 'the EMT', of course. The next biggest problem is that since the economy's gone paws up, nobody can afford to hire anyone else. I think I've gone to pretty much every 911 service in an hour-and-a-half's one-way drive from my place with no luck.

Any advice?


Forum Chief
Well, from your very post it looks like you have to be 21.

How are your interviewing skills? You wear a suit, look presentable, shake hands, look in the eyes, and have a nice resume? Speaking from management experience, it doesn't matter how much is on the resume, just that you have one.

Many people our (I'm also 20) age, do NOT bring resumes, and can't interview for crap.

If worse comes to worst, apply for a stockroom or dispatch job.


Forum Crew Member
Its called go to medic school. EMT-I can be good but it was a waste of time and money. When you could of saved yourself a lot of money and time and been done with medic school. Since the scope of practice is similar. Once your a medic, your gold. Although having no experience doesn't help either. You prob. should have done that before you ever thought about going to a higher cert. level. Makes you a stronger emt. But wouldve shouldve couldve. I know how it is being under 21 and not being able to get a job. Indiana is like that too and I was once there. It sucked. I ended up workin for this service that did non emergent transfers all day and my paycheck bounced every two weeks. Needless to say Im long gone from there and haven't ever looked back. Have you tried any services that do transports? Even if its not 911, its a foot in the door and a path to experience! It sucks...especially when your not 21..Sometimes I wondered why the hell they would let you take the course if you can't even work because of that stupid insurance crap. Oh and Im not saying you haven't had any experience as an EMT-B, just saying that in case you hadn't. Good luck on your job hunt. The economy sucks! Keep trying..Persistance pays off~!


Forum Crew Member
If I were to build a resume- if I knew how to build one- it'd be pretty much blank. I got back to the US at exactly the wrong time and in my three years back, I've been employed for a collective three months. Also, there's so many illegal aliens here that my fluent spanish (I lived in Honduras for three years) has degraded to the basics they taught in high school.

...Still, I think I've heard that Resume tip before, so there's probably more truth to it than I thought. Thanks for the advice.

Also, I'd be able to get a nice suit if I could get a paycheck to get said suit.

Edit: Ah, yes. I haven't been able to track down any non-emergent services. Most of the 911 services around here also gobble up all the non-emergent transports on the side as well. I'm starting medic school on the 9th (and I know what you mean by medic cert making you gold; most of the places that couldn't afford to hire me as an intermediate are scrambling for more medics), but I'd sure love to have some experience besides clinicals before I finish the course. Also, a steady income is a good side effect.
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If worse comes to worst, apply for a stockroom or dispatch job.

Actually, that's not the worst.

Here, dispatch is the highest paid non-management position. Even significantly more than Paramedics.

Apparently dispatch has more responsibilities and requires more work.


Forum Crew Member
yea its sad how dispatchers can make more then paramedics and require less knowledge and less training. Because I know my dispatcher is the one I want saving my life, not my paramedic. Hey, we're not in it for the money!! Plus I couldn't sit on my rump all day staring at a computer screen, no matter how much it paid! But we couldn't do it without em either!


Forum Asst. Chief
Plus I couldn't sit on my rump all day staring at a computer screen, no matter how much it paid! But we couldn't do it without em either!

This is exactly what I'm choosing a career as a paramedic. I cant stand sitting behind a desk or filing...


Forum Captain
Title should say it all; I need some advice on finding work in EMS. I graduated my EMT-I85 class back in Dec with some solid grades, been looking for a job ever since. I'm 20 years old, live in Haralson County in West Georgia, and the only experience I have working in the field is clinicals ( /shamed). I haven't taken EVOC because for some insane reason, there's only one place in the state of Georgia, at least that I know of, that teaches EMS EVOC and it's forever away from me. The biggest problem I've had so far is that every service under the sun has the type of insurance that mandates the driver be 21, and in this neck of the woods, 'driver' is interchangeable with 'the EMT', of course. The next biggest problem is that since the economy's gone paws up, nobody can afford to hire anyone else. I think I've gone to pretty much every 911 service in an hour-and-a-half's one-way drive from my place with no luck.

Any advice?

Check your county jails close to you. I know its not the typical ems job, but the pay is excellent. At least here in Texas it is. I started at one, as a basic I got paid 18.80 an hour. AND, they seem to always be hiring no matter where is is. Its tough sometimes, but when you need work, you need work.


Forum Captain
Look for AMR. We use people under 21 all the time. It is not 911, but at least you will be able to get experience on an ambulance and build the resume of yours. Or look into what Ms. Medic said, about jails or house of corrections. That will also build your resume.


Forum Captain
you guys only do transfers? at AMR because at AMR in indiana we are the 911 provider. JW
we do both 911 and IFTs, but at a basic level here you will only be doing IFTs.


Dude, go work in an ER as a tech. No driving necessary there. I know you want to be on a box, but it looks like you got some time to kill before you get there.


Forum Lieutenant
yea its sad how dispatchers can make more then paramedics and require less knowledge and less training. Because I know my dispatcher is the one I want saving my life, not my paramedic. Hey, we're not in it for the money!! Plus I couldn't sit on my rump all day staring at a computer screen, no matter how much it paid! But we couldn't do it without em either!

And our mechanics trump all :rolleyes:


Forum Crew Member
Dude, go work in an ER as a tech. No driving necessary there. I know you want to be on a box, but it looks like you got some time to kill before you get there.
Tanner medical system owns EVERYTHING here, and if you're not some form of nurse, you're up a certain creek without a paddle and with a few leaks in your boat when it comes to getting jobs with them.


Forum Chief
you guys only do transfers? at AMR because at AMR in indiana we are the 911 provider. JW

We also do priority 2's, which are basically 911's that nursing homes do not want to report.

Anything from auto-peds to falls w/ fx's, to hyper/hypo glycemia to full codes.

Yay nursing homes...


Forum Chief
Yea, it breaks up the monotiny of IFTs, especially when you get a call to an NH for a PT with a hx of fx from falling, and they sit her in a wc even though she has complaints of neck and back pain.

God, look at what this job has done to me... I'm typing in shorthand!