Need some help and prayers, please...


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Hey you guys,

I do not know if anyone noticed I have been gone for a week, so the people that sent me PM's I promise I will get back to you this week. I just got hired on at the largest level one trauma in our state, I was 2 days into my orientation and the EMS manager comes and gets me out of orientation to tell me that my sister was calling for me. My dad was rushed to theGainesville Florida VA. He had a massive brain bleed, with stroke like S/S. The doctor could not figure out how he would have a stroke since he was on Plavix and ASA and some blood pressure med with some thinning properties to it. Anyways, long story short, they did an MRI, and found 7 masses in his brain the biggest at 3x3CM, one of the masses started bleeding causing stroke like S/S. They did a MRI and CT of his upper body and he has cancer that has moved to lung,spleen, brain and kidney. He has a poor prognosis less than 2 months! He does not want chemo, he was in ICU, but he wanted to go home, he is having no pain, and only a slight drag of his right foot, decreased PMS on the right side, but he was ready to go home. We convinced him to stay to get a biospy so we can find out where the cancer originated and to be observed overnight after that. Now we have him home here in GA where I live and my sister, and his sister live.

My mother just died of MS and Colon CA, so it is just me, my sister and my aunt is helping us out (his sister). I am the oldest my sister is 8 years younger than me so I am supposed to know what I am doing and I don't I feel like a child right now. I have never made funeral plans before, got hospice started, etc...Between me being a basket case with my emotions, being a daughter, sister, wife, mother and new EMS employee for the 1st time doubled with NO sleep the last week, I am a walking zombie.

Now if you have made it this far, I am sorry I got off on a tangent, can someone tell me the best place to go to get research done on what cancer of the KIDNEYS will do over time to my father? I am worried about his kidneys shutting down, and what to watch for, I am an EMT, BUT I do not know this info or the best place to find it. THAT is what I need help with. He has it in his brain, right lung whole upper lobe I think, spleen, and kidneys....So if anyone can direct me to a good informative site I would appreciate it, or if anyone can give me advice on where to turn for these issues.......

Thanks and sorry so long, and please if you believe pray for my father.

You guys are awesome, and I really love this board and the people on here!

Jenn, I am so sorry about your dad, I know this sounds like a very simple line but just work at one thing at a time. First and foremost, you and your sister need to get hospice counseling along with talking with your dad's doc. Talk to your dad also about what he wants. It is so hard to take on the roll of "parent". we never think of our parents getting sick or ill, it seems like they are superman and wonderwoman they can do it all. I'll pray for you and your loved ones to have strength, faith and peace..... you can talk to me any time, I walked this path not so long ago. Anna -_-
Ditto all the advice Anna gave. You, your Dad and the rest of your family will be in my thoughts.
I second Chimpie's motion... your family is in my thoughts... good luck.
I am so sorry to hear your news. Your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers
I'm sorry and will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers